Stihl 0781 313 8005 2 Cycle HP Ultra Engine Oil 5.2 oz ( 6 Pack )


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STIHL-0781 High-Performance-Engine-Oil **6 PACK** 2GAL MIX 5.2OZ HP ULTRA 2CYCLE SYNTHETIC STIHL 5.2-ounce high-performance ultra 2-cycle engine oil is a fully synthetic 2-cycle engine oil specially suited for high-performance chain saws and power tools. This oil has outstanding engine cleaning characteristics, plus ultra-superior lubricating qualities in comparison to other 2-cycle engine oils. This oil is biodegradable, degrading by 80 percent in 21 days. STIHL-0781 High-Performance-Engine-Oil has Ultra lubricating qualities that are superior to other 2-cycle engine oils. This fully synthetic oil is also highly biodegradable Fully synthetic oil specially suited for high performance chain saws and power tools2-Cycle engine oil Outstanding engine cleaning characteristics.